Monday, July 7, 2008

There's a lid for every pot

Here is an analogy to ponder...

"There's someone for everyone...A couple of years ago, I was over at my friend Kelly's and we ere cooking pasta carbonatta-which is not an easy task, by the way-when we realized that we needed a lid for the pasta pot. Well, we looked everywhere but it turned out she didn't have the lid-mate, and to tell the truth, I panicked. Had Grandma lied to me? Had I been building my romantic hopes on a total lie? Then I thought: No, that lid is probably sitting alone and unused in someone else's cabinet every once in a while when another lid was dirty, but it never really fit in with the other pots and it knew it. And then it occurred to me-what we as a nation must do is free all of the single lids and pots so that they may find each other and be happy. I said to Kelly: That's what we as single babes have to do, too! Free ourselves from our "cabinets" and get out there and find the lid for our pot! She looked at me kinda weird, but then totally agreed. So, we pit on some lipstick and went out to find our soul mates. In fact, we were so excited about our mission that we forgot to turn the pasta off, and now I can't even apply for fire insurance until the year 2050. But I didn't care because we had met so many cool people that night. So remember: If you're a pot you will find your lid one day, or vice know what I mean. Just remember to turn the stove off."
Excerpt from The Real Rules for Girls By Mindy Morgenstern

Praise God for His sovereignty! I trust the Lord will supply the right "lid" at the right time. He is faithful and I trust Him with everything. I will serve Him all my days with or without my "lid". I know that right now I'm able to bring God more glory than I would with my "lid" (if this makes any sense). :D Or maybe God is the "lid" for some? Humm...what do you think? Is there really someone for everyone?


Anonymous said...

That's a good story and explanation:-))

Anonymous said...

Just come across this page by accident but what a good read and brilliant story :)

well apart from the fire take care and god bless x

Anonymous said...

I am contemplating if there really is a lid for every pot right now.. your article was reassuring and helpful. It reminded me that one day, I'll find my lid.